Changing total rewards and the deals companies make with their employees has a more powerful effect. If total rewards have not been changed to align with the business goals of the company, there has been no true change. Total rewards continue to prove helpful in communicating what is expected and in gaining workforce acceptance and commitment. All companies must eventually face two major workforce revolutions: the realities of the better workforce deal and the migration to total rewards. (Zingheim & Schuster, 2011)
According to Stephen Covey, there is either a win-win or “no deal workplace,” (Zingheim & Schuster, 2011). This means that if both the enterprise and the people do not come out winners, neither should make the deal. In the better workforce deal, the company and the workforce meet halfway. The business invests in people, and people meet it by learning new skills and competencies and performing to reach organizational goals. People want to grow, add value, and make a difference. A wise company will recognize this and will invest more heavily in people’s growth and success. People want a deal where they win when the business wins and where they are stakeholders in the future of the business.
Zingheim, P., & Schuster, J. (2011). Winning the talent game: Total rewards and the better workforce deal! Schuster-Zingheim and associates, Inc., 17(3), 33-39. Retrieved from
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